Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A Guide to Wristbands

Wristbands serve a number of purposes. People can buy certain wristbands to show their dedication to a particular cause. Other wristbands are used as proof that someone has paid admission to an event such as a concert or a carnival. Some wristbands are used simply as accessories or jewelry. Wristbands can be made of many different materials. Paper, silicone, rubber, and leather are some of the most popular materials used.

Many are made of a sturdy type of paper that does not tear easily. These are often used at concerts or festivals as proof that someone has paid admission. Many paper wristbands are imprinted with designs like colored stripes or American Flags. Paper wristbands usually have one sticky end that is used to fasten the band around the person’s wrist.

Other wristbands are made of silicone or rubber. Silicone or rubber wristbands come in several different colors and designs. The most popular colors are yellow, pink, red, and black. Silicone and rubber wristbands come in a solid ring that can be stretched to fit over a person’s hand and worn on the wrist. People often wear these wristbands to voice their support for a certain cause or show that they have donated to a particular charity. One of the most popular wristbands of this type is the yellow “Livestrong” wristband. World-renowned bicycle racer and cancer survivor Lance Armstrong designed these wristbands. These bands are given to people who pay a dollar to his cancer charity and have become popular fashion accessories.

People also wear leather wristbands, which can come in many colors and are often elaborately designed. Leather wristbands are usually a flat piece of leather with fastening snaps on the end to hold it on the person’s wrist.

Wristbands are gaining in popularity. They are versatile accessories that are worn in a number of situations.

About the Author

Wrist Bands Info provides detailed
information about rubber, silicone, and leather wristbands, plus free and custom
wristbands, including charity, and cancer wristbands. Wrist Bands Info is
affiliated with Business Plans by Growthink.

A Brief History Of The Cowboy Boot

Historically horsemen have always needed protective footwear as well as preferring boots with a higher heel. The origin of the cowboy boot that we know today comes from various boot styles including the Wellington boot, which originated from Britain's Duke of Wellington. At the time it was a straight plain leather boot with one-inch heels and straight tops. Cowboys also wore the Hessian boot, which had a V-cut in the front, and some of these had a silk or leather tassel hanging down in the V.

The Coffeyville-style cowboy boots originated in Coffeyville, Kansas around 1870 and were normally black leather with a low Cuban heel. The front of the boot, known as the "graft", was higher than the back and was usually a different color. Texas cowboys were known to have a lone star inlaid in the graft.

Cowboy boots continued to evolve through the late 1800s and the designs were influenced by the European cavalier style of boot, which were characterized by higher heels and better-quality leather.

The toes of cowboy boots were square or rounded and this did not change to pointed until the 1950s.

The straight lines of stitches across the top of the toe of the cowboy boot are called a toe wrinkle. Boot makers in the early 1900s started to add decorative stitching on the toes in addition to the wrinkle and these designs became and have remained to this day the personalized signature of custom-made boots.

In the 1920s and 1930s cowboy boots became a fashion item as a result of the movies and radio shows about the Wild West.

After 1940 boot designs became more colorful and intricate incorporating images of the west such as cacti, eagles, horses and horseshoes.

In the 1950s when rodeos became a popular form of entertainment and country music started being heard, the popularity of cowboy boots skyrocketed and millions of pairs were reportedly being made in all shapes, colors and styles.

After this the designs of cowboy boots followed the fashions and styles popularized in the movies - if John Travolta or Tom Cruise wore cowboy boots then those styles were immediately in demand.

Since the early 1990s boot makers have become even more adventurous and we are now seeing styles incorporating studs, conchos, rhinestones and precious stones, no doubt partly as a result of the interest in line dancing. Of course it is still possible to buy an attractive plain leather boot.

Part of the enduring appeal of the cowboy boot is that they can be worn by anyone.

There is an excellent book that covers everything to do with the cowboy boot called appropriately The Cowboy Boot book, which you can get from Amazon.

Copyright © Jakki Francis,(UK), 2005

About the Author

This article is copyrighted. Please feel free to use it in it's entirety
including copyright information and information about the publisher. Jakki
Francis operates the website

Dress to impress

By Mehmet Aksoy, January 17, 2004 (From the book Want a Girl)
How should a man dress to impress? First, always wear clothes that correspond to the occasion. Second, always wear a well put-together outfit.

If you have trouble deciding on what to wear, it is always better to be overdressed than underdressed. You wouldn't want to show up in casual wear for dinner at an expensive restaurant with a woman dressed to kill. A man should always be dressed to meet the occasion or situation. No matter where you are going with a woman, you should always be wearing clean, well-kept clothes. Believe it or not, women prefer clothes that are well-kept and clean to clothes that are worn out or dirty! That may seem obvious to you, but it is important to remember. By taking care of how you look, and by showing some style, you show women that you really care about your presentation - and women notice!

Always... Look Your Best! You should always take the time to look your best whenever you go out. You never know when you may have the opportunity to meet a stunning, beautiful woman - the grocery store, Laundromat, or coffee shop. Be sure to pay attention to the whole outfit. It's worth the extra money to buy yourself some nice clothes to wear out. And don't forget about the shoes or boots, a new belt and a nice watch. Accessories do make a huge difference. If you wear a well put-together outfit you will look sharp and portray more confidence.

The way you dress actually will change how you behave. Think about it- if you wore a clown costume all day, you would feel silly and goofy. So if you want to have more sex appeal, wear something that makes you feel sexy. Women will respond to the image you project. Figure out what image you portray now and then make the necessary changes in your wardrobe to attain your desired image. Whatever image you want to give women be sure to act the part. You should consider all behavior that attributes to your overall personal image - physical gestures, eye contact. Use your clothes to emphasize your desired image.

With all my experience, and from talking with other guys, a successful look to maintain is to wear a pair of nice pressed or ironed pants and a sport shirt. Add to these basics a trendy blazer, leather jacket or simple sport coat. Wear some good-quality stylish leather shoes or boots (match your leather jacket if you wear one!) and be sure to always keep your shoes polished.

Be sure to show good taste. The whole outfit can be relaxed, trendy, conventional, or professional, but any route you take you must look sharp. Try to stay away from wearing a tie. You want to stay loose and approachable - not uptight or snobby looking. A simple well put-together outfit is best. You'll be more successful with women than you've ever imagined if you wear a clean, classic, well put-together outfit that exudes style and self-pride.

Refine Your Looks
Women notice every little thing about a man's grooming. Every time they see a guy they go through a mental checklist. Is his hair washed and styled? Are his fingernails clean or manicured? Are his shoes polished? Clothes clean? Is he bathed? Does he smell good? These things really matter to women! Clean and neat counts! Find a grooming regime that works for you and stay polished!

Always, I repeat ALWAYS, shower and shave and use deodorant before going out to meet a woman. You might think the smell of your sweat is manly and sexy, but most women would strongly disagree! Hold off on sharing your rugged body odor until you're hot and heavy in bed. If you are going out specifically to meet new women or for a date, be sure to take some extra time getting ready. Show women that you care about your appearance.

Make sure your hair is done properly and your nails are filed and cleaned. Brush your teeth and use cologne - not too much though, as women generally have a better sense of smell than men. Take pride in how you look, and you instantly improve your chances of success!

Increase your Sexual Attractiveness with Pheromones

Pheromones are a natural chemical compound found in all insects, animals, and humans. Animals detect pheromones over a distance – they help them mark territory and recognize mates. Human pheromones are natural hormones and we use them to communicate with one another on a subconscious level. They are detected by a little organ inside the nose and then being transmitted to our brains as a chemical message of sex and sexual attraction.

Not everyone knows that these days’ pheromones can be found as a product – colognes, sprays, oils, gels, wipes, lotions, soaps and even candles. There are different pheromones for Men and Women. Pheromone products mainly contain one or all of the following human pheromones:

*Androstenone - the pheromone that gives a macho, dominant male aura. It attracts and arouses women on a primordial level and women reported having better and stronger orgasm during sex.

*Androstenol – is called as a friendly pheromone. You will seem nice, friendly and approachable to others.

*Androsterone – is knows as a middle ground between the first two. People say that androsterone is very similar to andostenone, just it doesn’t give a male macho aura as much.

*Copulins – is found in pheromones for women to use. Copulins are produced by women naturally, during their ovulation time. Copulins are used towards attracting men.

Pheromones come in both scented and unscented products. Some people use scented pheromones as simple perfume or body spray. Then they don‘t need to use any other perfume. Unscented products can be mixed with colognes, perfumes or body sprays. Both kinds of pheromones are applied in the same places where you usually apply other perfume or body spray.

Pheromones “work” for both male and female, and pheromone products are being used to gain sexual attraction of the opposite sex.

Guys, it doesn‘t matter how you look like – fat or slim, tall or short, handsome or not a sexy macho – if you use pheromones, women will find you sexually attractive. After women smell pheromones in the pheromone product they will become attracted to you. Try to use pheromone products and you will notice that women are starting to show you more attention, more eye contact, more dates and of course more sex.

The same is for women. If you like a man and he is not paying as much attention to you as you want – try a pheromone “attack”. When he is around you - make sure you sprayed pheromones on your body and you will start feel difference. Many women use this “weapon” to get the guys they want.

Pheromones can help you increase your attractiveness, bring you more success in business and many social situations, make people comfortable around you and improve your own mood.

In fact many people use pheromone products to increase their own social success and success in business. Research was made where people used pheromones in business meetings with clients. Positive results were noted with those who previously were not very successful and had problems with approaching other people. They simply saw that clients and other people around them started to show more interest in them. And actually this attention helped them to become more confident about themselves.

Despite all the positive results of pheromones in sexual and business life, pheromones do not work for everyone. There are still some people who do not notice any difference after using pheromones, and actually that’s normal. People are different and their biological systems are also different, and that’s the exact reason why some people notice affect of pheromones and others don’t.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Tips for a Better Body Image

Do you loathe and despise your body? Or maybe you wish if you could just change this one thing…

Well, you're not alone. Far from it. Whether you feel you are too fat, too skinny, too tall, too short, too hairy, not hairy enough, too-something -- or just not something enough - everyone feels like there's something they'd like to change about their bodies.

Yet there are lots of reasons to appreciate even cherish the body you have. For one thing, accepting yourself is a lot more fun, and wastes waaay less time, than constantly obsessing over what you don't like, don't have, or want to 'fix.' Your body is yours, uniquely yours, to use, take care of, and to treasure.

Here are some things to help you appreciate all that is -- you ! (Yay you!)

1. Think About What You're Missing

Consider this: What do you miss out on when you don't accept your body and treat it well? What has it cost you so far? Aside from the physical and mental health risks, think about all the things you refrain from doing, trying, being . Think about all the people you don't meet, the cool things you never experience, when you let a pesky negative body image stand in your way.

2. Make a List of People You Admire

Who rates high in your book? Who do you think is cool? What do you think are the most important traits a person can have? List who you admire, or people you recognize as having made a difference in your life, or in the world. Are they all supermodels? (I bet they're not.) Likely your list is chock full of smart, kind, creative, inventive, funny, talented, self-confident people. And hey, aren't you a couple of those things yourself? (And if self-confident isn't one of them, why not start today?)

3. Stop Talking About Your Weight (or your hair, face, whatever)

Every time you disparage yourself somebody is listening. Literally, your body 'hears' what you say and your negative feelings are reinforced and further internalized. So knock it off won'tcha? Because you're hurting the one you love you.

4. Don't Believe the Hype!

Remember: The objective of the fashion, cosmetic, diet, fitness and plastic surgery industries is not to inform, serve, guide or help you. It is to make money. And how do they make their gazillions of dollars? By suggesting that you need to be different, and that you need to spend money to get that way.

Think about it: Their very existence is predicated on you not liking you the way you are. Remember: You're the boss of you. Don't define yourself by arbitrary, external dictates. Instead, work on developing your own style. Have fun. Wear something weird. Or don't. Do what feels right, and you won't go wrong.

5. Concentrate on Things You Do Well

Why focus on what you don't like when you could just as easily focus on what you do like? Keep busy; there's nothing like talking with a friend or playing a vigorous game of volleyball to make you forget about your silly ole appearance. Change your focus, and you'll soon see a change in how you feel.

6. Get Physical for Fun

Your mood and your body both benefit from exercise. Take walks, dance around your room, plant a garden, jog. Or challenge yourself with team sports, snow boarding, surfing or mountain-biking. Just remember that moving is great for your heart, lungs, muscles and your mind. You gain so much; it's not just about losing weight.

7. Think of Yourself as a Role Model

Think people are watching you? You're right. Your little brothers, sister, cousins, the kids you baby-sit for, your neighbors they all look to you for guidance and inspiration. Show them they can be confident and self-loving by being that way yourself.

8. Love It -- It's Yours

Your body is constantly doing all these great things for you (it pretty much gets you where you want to go), why dis it? Think of it this way: If you bought a cute puppy, and then one day he didn't look the same anymore (puppies have a way of doing that) would you get rid of him? Would you love him any less? Of course not you love that dog unconditionally. Why not show yourself the same consideration you'd show a dog!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Woman on Top Sex Positions

Ahh, control. Sometimes it seems that sex is all about control, and so much of that sexual control is all about the man, and how he exercises it. That is what makes women-on-top positions so revolutionary in some ways. It is a chance for both parties to switch roles and try something new.

Having your women on top can take many different forms, all of which are discussed in the following sections, but what makes the biggest difference from other sexual positions is the control that the women have in these sexual endeavors. There is a general assumption that men have all the power in sex and that practicing women-dominant sexual position is somehow a completely female power issue. But if you look more closely it is clearly noted that in many ways giving up some of the responsibility for pleasure in bed can give men a break, and a chance to lie back and enjoy the ride. Instead of worrying about lasting and thrusting and making sure that your women orgasms, being on the bottom and in a less active role, can let men focus on their breathing and their pleasure.

At precisely the same moment this means that women, who, for the most part have always been at the mercy of their lover to achieve pleasure, can charge forward in search of their orgasm. They can position their lover’s penis so that it hits all their hot spots, or so that they can grind their man’s pelvis against their clitoris. By taking control of their sexuality women can sometimes be able to enjoy it more and more likely get what they are looking for from the sexual experiences. Women on our panel have suggested that a man that loves to ridden or at least enjoys more women dominated sexual positions, can gain access to secret sexual desires far more than a selfish lover. Listen up boys, this is for you as much as it is for her.

Acrobat Sex Position Amazon Sex Position
Acrobat Amazon

Armchair Sex Position

Cowgirl Sex Position
Armchair Cowgirl

Asian Cowgirl Sex Position

Fusion Sex Position
Asian Cowgirl Fusion

Mastery Sex Position

Reverse Mastery Sex Position
Mastery Reverse Mastery

Inverted Missionary Sex Position

Inverted Rear Entry Sex Position
Inverted Missionary Inverted Rear Entry

Rodeo Sex Position

Seesaw Sex Position
Reverse Mastery Seesaw

4 New Beauty tips & Secrets for Summer

Beauty Tips & Secrets 1

- Match your cheek, lip, and nails with either a warm, cool, or neutral color (sheer colors, true reds). For dazzling effects, apply a pink undertone with cool colors and a yellow undertone with warm colors.

Beauty Tips & Secrets 2
- Choose one feature (eyes, lips, cheekbones) on your face and make it stand out! One of the easiest and most effective makeovers is to brighten the eyes. To achieve this effect, just add a highlighting color to the brow bone like crystalline (shimmering white). Next, add the finishing touches. Use brown mascara on the lashes and black on the ends.

Beauty Tips & Secrets 3
- Keep your skin in great condition at all times! Use skin care products made specifically for your skin type.

Skin types:
Dry skin - dry or flaky all of the time.
Normal skin - stays dry most of the time. Sometimes oily around the nose and chin area.
Oily skin - Have difficulty keeping cosmetics on. Skin is oily around the face most of the time.

Beauty Tips & Secrets 4
- Make your skin look soft, moist and clear just in time for summer! Use a buffing cream after you cleanse. Pay careful attention especially to the rough spots (elbows, knees, and heels). Follow up with a moisturizer made for your skin type and use one that exfoliates like Visible Action Skin Revealing Lotion.

Ties - Not Only Men Exclusive Accessory

What can you say about ties? First thought which comes to almost everyone‘s mind is that ties are the main men’s‘ accessory for smart look. But that’s not the only use of ties. Women want to have the tailored sleek look so they also wear ties.

Ties are also good for women who want to be women. Sleek, skinny ties look good with the secretary look. It adds to the 'separates' i.e. the shirt/skirt or the shirt/trousers - the tailored, a sleek office girl look.

Of course ties are accessories. With the boyish chic look last year and the androgynous look previously, ties were certainly important. If you want to look like a woman looking like a man – use a tie as an accessory. The thing is that women want to be women. They want to use ties in their own way.

Some stylists might say that a tie isn't necessary to complete the tailored look. It is too much of an extra and they may be right. But you can use ties as a centre piece in the 'look'. You can wear the office chic look and for this a tie is important but it may not be essential of course. Some 'looks' for office girls do not have any ties. However, regarding skinny ties on a tailored shirts clinging to the body, this is an important look.

This is an office look. What about wide ties instead of the skinny ones? When summer season starts - can a tie be important for your look? A wide glossy 'glam' tie, which gives the 'color' to a look. For men, the tie was a 'color'; it added color to the whole appearance.

Sometimes, women are different. For them, a tie seems to be above all an accessory; it is not as important as for a man but that doesn't mean a tie doesn't have it's place in women fashion.

The boyish look was important in 2006 when ties were needed for this. Now, as fashion moves on from a boyish chic and military before this, ties are still important because they give color and glamour.

A tie can be the center piece. It can be a 'piece of color' in the center or it can be a piece of color around the neck (short tie). A tie is an accessory but it can be an accessory which aims to add color.

When we think of ties, it is men's wear accessory which go with suits. It is a necessity for smart look but a tie for women is an accessory, i.e. as regards fashion. As a boyish look and a military look go - a tie can be used. Yes, it will always be there for the 'sexy office girl look' which is popular and also as an accessory in high fashion. Tailored shirts will always be in fashion for women and a tie is an important extra to this kind of look.

But maybe there is more to ties than skinny ties. What about a broad short tie which adds color? What about a 'neckerchief'- a covering for the neck or a bow tie or a jabot shirts? Remember ties were the 'color' for men's suits. Maybe they can be the same for women.

So for all those women who still think that a tie is just a men accessory it should prove that it is not. Women can play using ties as well as men. For different looks ties fit women very well.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Bring a bling on!

Accessories can present a style, renew boring outfit and accentuate a personality. There have been various types of adornments in history: various necklaces, rings, bracelets, body piercing, but it seems like it’s time for new generation to come. You no longer need to string beads to wear them nor pierce your skin for jewellery. Instead of it, you can simply stick gems on you skin.

Jewellery for skin usage started in about 2000, but it already made its way to popularity. It’s a new way to show creativity and originality. Sticky beads are sold all over the world. You can find various shaped pieces (i.e. rounded, hearts, stars, triangle, flowers shaped, etc.) and apply them to the skin to compose a wanted ornament, or you can buy already designed crystal tattoo.

Crystals for tattoos are not necessarily actual crystals. They can be made out of various materials like glass, plastic, gemstones, noble metals or even precious stones. The price and usage depends on fabric and using purpose. Plastic and glass pieces are pretty cheap and can be found in most jeweler’s or make-up shops, while beads used in high fashion are made out of more precious elements.

Crystal stickers are mostly used for make-up and sticky tattoos. It is still innovation and common people don’t dare to exhibit these glossy adornments. However you don’t need to be a hip-hop diva to afford blingy style. Several crystals can finely accentuate make-up or even replace it at all. Crystal jewellery is comfort to wear stuck as a necklace or a bracelet. Once it is applied to body, it lasts for a few weeks and after taken from skin beads may even be used again and again. Therefore you can have one set of crystals and compose countless variations of accessories. Although field of usage seem to be pretty wide, sticky beads are mostly popular for tattoos. Young people decorate arms, necks or back with small ornamented pictures like butterfly, flower, initial letters, heart, dolphin and others. But if you are really patient and have a helper, crystal tattoos may become charming clothing.

Designer Jeanette Maskrey creates skin jewellery for more than six years. She is the one who decorated superstars like supermodel Kate Moss, Oscar winner Halle Berry and scandalous singer Britney Spears with spangly tattoos. Even Yoko Ono decided she was not too old to look stylish! Men want to shine as well, actor Josh Hartnett and rapper Diddy are fans of J. Maskrey. However it was not tattoos that made her famous. She was so into Swarovski crystals that she decided to dress up her models half in garments and half in gems. The collection was extremely successful, so J. Maskrey kept on going this way. Her models wear little dresses or shorts and have arms and legs tattooed with crystal ornaments.

More amazing outfits contain trousers/skirt and whole top created with gems stuck directly to skin. It may sound kitschy, but it looks glamorous for sure. These tops seem to be too daring to wear in public, but they idea of sticky crystals is adored by many celebrities. Shakira wore them at her hit “Hips don’t lie” video shooting. Glittering gems made her moves even more sexual. Although other designers often cooperate with J. Maskrey for her crystal ornaments, but whole outfits made out of gems are not very popular.

Skin jewellery definitely joined fashion business and everyday life. A lot of known accessories companies produce sticky tattoos beside other adornments; fashion designers choose them to suit their clothes. If you want to express yourself in a new way, crystal tattoos might be what you’re looking for.

Choose your lingerie carefully

Lingerie is one of the most intimate parts of our wardrobe. Women all over the world are having the same problem. How to choose the right lingerie, which will make you look astonishing, desirable, sensual and be comfortable at the same time?

There are so many different types and colors; you can almost loose your head. But first of all, you need to consider one thing; are you buying this underwear for yourself or for your man to look at.

Not always men appreciate the lingerie you choose. Obviously, men are more likely to admire sexy and exotic thongs or bare skin, rather then boys’ knickers or boxers. But, also, there are some general rules, which will help you to find the color, which suits you the most.

Strong colors, like rich green, dark blue and purple look better on brunettes and they will surely compliment your face and hair. And blondes will look wonderful in all the pastel shades of purple, blue and pink. This will not shade their bright hair and face features. If the nature gave you a nice red head, you can also take something from her, like all earth tones. Blue and green will accentuate your look. Those, who are changing their hair color often, will be pleased with white, black and red, these colors look excellent on everyone.

Skin color is also very important if you really want to buy the most suitable lingerie. Ladies, whose skin is light tanned, can wear a bit darker colors. Pastel colors suits women with pale geisha type of skin the best. The biggest options are for dark and ebony types of skin. They can put on all the pastel and powdery colors. Bright lingerie will accentuate the contrast of your skin. However, don’t forget, that blending your skin, hair and eye colors is very important too.

Not all women feel comfortable with their bodies. That is the reason, why a large number of ladies are concentrated on their body type when choosing lingerie.

Here are some tips how to accentuate your positive features and hide all those negative, you hate the most:

  • -Women, who have very small hips, breasts or waist are recommended not to wear tight fitting but choose loose lingerie.

  • -If the nature gave you small breasts, you are able to divert all the attention to your legs and bottom, body area, which you are happy with.

  • -Not always large bust are an advantage. For many women it’s a problem, and they want to minimize their breasts. Stretch materials, like Lycra and Spandex, are able to fix up and decrease their size.

  • -If you are short and you think it’s a negative thing, you’re very wrong. You should simply choose lingerie that is not too long and loose. Specialized petite shops are proposing a large number of different type and style lingerie.

  • -The main tip to tall women is not to choose lingerie, which looks too short but supposed to be long. You should wear something that accentuates your long legs. The best styles are white and vertically striped.

If you want to feel very comfortable, you need to choose between all the natural and cozy fabrics, such as flannel and cotton.

Fabrics like satin, velvet and silk would be preferable for those, who like the soft touch.

If you are not able to choose any lingerie, wear none, like Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.

Anal sex - what women like/dislike

There is a wide range of people who practice anal sex. The reasons why people like to practice anal sex vary greatly. Some men and women say that anal sex enables them to reach orgasm, with or without simultaneous stimulation of their genitals (penis or clitoris). Generally, for women, pleasure is derived through anal intercourse due to the shared nerve endings that are located between the rectal wall and the vagina, and/or from indirect stimulation of the G-spot. The anus contains many nerves as well, which can also react in a pleasurable manner when excited.

Anal sex (stimulation from a finger, a toy, or the full Monty) is still a taboo subject for many people (and illegal is some states). Why some men like anal sex so much? Well, the main reason and most probably the main factor that stimulates men to practice anal sex is that this section is much more forbidden and not so popular among heterosexuals as vaginal sex. But there is a different question with women side and female have much more likes and dislikes about anal sex. So what do women hate about anal sex and what do they love in it?

Actually anal sex can be even very pleasurable for women due to some biological factors – the rectum shares a membrane with the vagina, and the sexual nerves are closer on that side, which makes the sensation unique, stronger and probably more orgasmic.

Many women still think that anal sex is a taboo and it’s just a thing you can see only in porn flicks. But nowadays when teenage girls become pregnant very often, when group sex is becoming more popular among everyone it’s quite evident that anything ends in the bedroom.

There is a saying that women try anal sex twice in their life: first time – to see how it is, and second time – to check if it was really that bad.

So here are some things that women dislike, even hate about anal sex:

1. During anal sex, female virtually hand their sexual power over to their partners. So men have the ability to prevent woman’s orgasm. Penetration usually occurs from behind: man enters her sexually when she can’t see him and women’s sexual satisfaction is in mans hands.Women are not sure what man is doing “back there” so usually they are afraid of pain and suffering.

2. Penis can cause serious damage to a woman by hurting terribly when it comes to anal aperture if men are not careful. Men need to pay serious attention to a woman’s penetration when she is not relaxed, so to be sensitive is a necessity.

3. Women hate insensitive men whose motives are selfish. So during anal sex woman make sure that her partner is smart wnough to understand some things as using lubricant to avoid a possible pain. It might be very painful because it’s not a “juicy vagina” – in this situation men should apply a lot of lubricant.

So there are some things that women doesn't like about anal sex and every women who never tried it should firslty remember these things and make sure to avoid pain and bad feelings. But there are also some things that women love about anal sex, here are the main points and advices for men what women need to love it:

1. It might be strange, but women get really excited when presented with an opportunity to try out something new in bed. She may even end up preferring sex from behind first – if a man does his best in first womens anal sex.

2. A careful man starts slowly with his fingers until a woman feels relaxed and comfortable enough. When it’s done (women relax), he needs to apply plenty of lube and a condom when he penetrates her.

3. Man needs to give to the rest of the body a sincere attention while penetrating her – it will be an advantage for both of partners. Her rectal muscles will be more relaxed and the entering process will be easier.

4. Why would a woman let a man enter her back side if she knows it’s going to be painful? It is very easy – because women want to know how it feels – they know pain is inevitable, but that’s a part of the thrill of it all.

So it’s just a quick look on anal sex and what women think about it. There are many women who love it because for some of them, it is a very easy way to reach orgasm, but not for all. Still there remains a large percentage of women who are afraid of anal sex – just because they don’t know how it’s going to be. In general, anal sex is nothing bad or harmful if man knows enough how to do it in a right way. Besides, men should always remember that anal sex is dangerous because HIV and AIDS spread more easily via anal sex than any other. So make sure you guys always wear a condom, and you will prevent yourself from all kind of negative consequences.

by Ms. R.

Five Things That Women Hate in Bed

I believe that none of men could possibly be proud of being called “boring lover”, and none of the women would like spend their lives or even just one night with a “stallion” with such a reputation. Therefore, we are here to help you with a several tips on how avoid such a “label” on your back. Here are five things that women really hate in their sex life:

Don’t be too careful
The phrases like “can I?” are NOT sexy. They just kill the mood. A good lover knows how to let the woman know their next step and how to prepare her for it with no questions asked. Sometimes it is enough just to look in “undressing” way or a provocative touch your girlfriends’ body to give a signal for sex.

“Mechanical sex”
Most women would agree that sex with no passion is boring, just a time spent with no particular reason. No woman wants to become an “inflatable woman” (perhaps only with a very little exception). I’m not saying that every sex you have has to be exclusively tremendous, but just don’t ignore the fact that every woman want to be a “woman” and it's always a good idea to keep that in mind. Be sensitive and sometimes not just have sex, but also “make love” to her.

If your girlfriend or wife know every crack in your ceiling – you are in a huge trouble. But don’t panic yet. A simple change of a place will help you out. Try doing it in your bathroom, kitchen, your car or even on a beach (of course find a place with no viewers), the possibilities are endless. Turn on your imagination.

Moaning and talking
Too loud moaning as well as too quiet is irritating for women. The silence is also not an option. You have to play careful here. Try to find the “golden middle” and to express your feelings to your girlfriend but not to all the neighbors. Try not to use all the same words during the sex as well, try to find phrases how to say how sexy she looks, how great she is in bed you don’t have to repeat all the same three words, which we all are so afraid of.

Unwillingness to experiment
If you are in a long-term relationship, don’t be afraid to experiment. Sex life does get boring, and there is a lot you can do about it. Try different positions, role-playing give a freedom to your fantasies. Do whatever you want to if your partner agrees with it, and if it would spice up your love life.

Discuss you fantasies with your partner at the glass of a good wine, and you would be surprised how fast they can turn into reality.

These are the main guidelines how to improve your sex life. What I wanted to say here is that women do not seek Casanova in every man. They just want you to make an effort to your relationship.

Remember that opposite of “boring” is exiting and unexpected, so if you try from time to time to surprise your partner, you will not be in trouble. The most important thing is that you would have a partner who would be willing to change for you too.

By: ozyri

Are Sexual Fantasies Good For Us?

"Sexual fantasizing is a natural, universal psychological phenomenon similar to dreaming," says Wendy Maltz M.S.W. coauthor with Suzie Boss of the newly released book, Private Thoughts: Exploring the Power of Women's Sexual Fantasies (New World Library, 2001). "And, like with dreams, some sexual fantasies are fun and satisfying, while others may trouble us a lot." Maltz, a sexualhealth expert, encourages women and men to learn more about sexual fantasies.

"The more you know about sexual fantasies, the more options you have about what types of sexual fantasies you entertain," says Maltz. "Fantasies that improve self-esteem and intimacy with a partner are usually the most desirable."

The groundbreaking research behind Private Thoughts shows that women experience an amazing range of fantasies, involving everything from sensuous horseback rides to tantalizing chocolate eclairs to erotic encounters with sexy aliens who arrive via spaceship. And women use sexual fantasy in some very clever ways to make themselves feel sexier, reach orgasm, safely satisfy their curiosity, and even relax. "Fantasy is like lavendar bath salts," confided a woman in midlife, "a little something special I do just for myself to help me unwind."

One of the most poignant examples of the healing power of sexual fantasy is shared by a woman identified as Georgine in Private Thoughts. Recovering from a car accident that left her paralyzed from the waist down, Georgine used fantasy to get back in touch with her sexual thoughts and feelings.

She gave her imagination free reign while lying in tanning beds. Under the lights, I'd feel warm all over. I'd kind of drift into these explicit fantasies. At first, they involved sensations that helped me relax. I remembered how it used to feel to lie in the warm sun and feel cool blades of grass against my bare skin. Gradually, I began to respond sexually. I would lubricate.

Then, I started creating the same feelings by imagining myself with a partner." When she would have a particularly vivid fantasy, Georgine said, "I literally felt the heat from my imaginary lover's body." Since she has embraced her fantasy life, she has been reminded of how much she enjoys sensual, sexual energy, and how much pleasure awaits within her own erotic imagination.

People who are confused about whether their sexual fantasies are good or bad for them will find answers in Private Thoughts. Maltz provides a list of nine questions a person can ask themselves to help evaluate whether, and to what extent, a particular fantasy may be causing problems:

Does the fantasy lead to risky or dangerous behavior?

Does the fantasy feel out of control or compulsive?

Is the content of the fantasy disturbing or repulsive?

Does the fantasy hinder recovery or personal growth?

Does the fantasy lower my self-esteem or block self-acceptance?

Does the fantasy distance me from my real-life partner?

Does the fantasy harm my intimate partner or anyone else?

Does the fantasy cause sexual problems?

Does the fantasy really belong to someone else?

Drawing on Maltz's extensive background in sexual healing, the book devotes a chapter to healing unwanted or troubling fantasies that may be the result of sexual abuse or unresolved psychological issues. Maltz also shares guidelines for exploring fantasies with an intimate partner in a way that will enhance, rather than harm, a relationship. The book concludes with a delightful chapter on creating favorite fantasies, and the reminder, As we know ourselves better, we become more free to celebrate our natural erotic rhythms with whatever thoughts quicken our pulses and please our hearts.