Fashion weeks in simple words are the fashion events taking place all over the world. These events take place in almost every single bigger city in the world like New York, Chicago, Honkong, Tokyo, Moscow and others. These shows are being held at least two times a year: for spring and autumn seasons/collections.
Why do we need them? First of all, fashion critics love these shows. They are like Oscar ceremonies for film critics. Fashion journalists write reviews on upcoming season trends. Journal editors plan their articles and photography sessions, it easier for them to decide what is worth to write about during the season. Buyers like department stores and boutiques decide what to order. There are also clouds of other professionals who search for the ideas in fashion shows: stylists, hairdressers, shoemakers, make up artists and a lot of others. However, fashion shows serve in a different manner as well. The collections presented in these shows tend to end the trends of fashion dominating that season. Fashion designers present new ideas for clothing, accessories, and haircuts to refresh the tendencies, for them not to last too long and not to become too boring.
Fashion shows are not only the showing of clothes to the public. It is also a great event to visit if you are looking for a nice night out or the place to take your girlfriend. Designers try to make the shows as much attractive to the public as they can. Of course, there is no chance that nobody will show up, because knowing the human nature, you just set up the red carpet and a velvet rope and people will stand in line to get in there. However, the show directors try to impress the higher standard people in the show, like important journal editors or fashion critics. In most of the shows, there is a DJ or a band playing. Sometimes a designer is inspired by music while creating the collection that is why some shows are very carefully choreographed: a certain model with a certain outfit comes on the runway in a particular order. This makes the shows even more beautiful and attractive.The fashion weeks cost a lot of money. A show, by mediocre designer would cost you around$100.000, of course some cost a lot more and some just a couple of thousands, but it is believed that it is worth it. Actually, after being in one you will realize why. The atmosphere is glamorous, beautiful people, great show, and if the critics and reviewers like it, the designer is guaranteed to have a profit. So do not wait and get your ticket to a fashion week to see it with your own eyes. There is no doubt that one is going to be held near you.
Here is the list of just some of the fashion weeks held all over the world: